NEW “Gunblade 2.0” Makes Akali GIGA-BROKEN in Season 11 (One Q = FULL HP Heal) - League of Legends

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JOKUBATIS: What is your runes?

Supernaturall Allexgg: u can take easy soul of water drake but u ping for uselss nash omg dude this season and last season its ABOUT DRAKES L2P TY!

Kostas Tech: When we get that ravenous hydra we don’t need a team 😂😂

Anglesh: what's best, conq or electrecute?

PJ Diaz: Yoww where the runes at?!

シグレ-Shigure-: 11:33 the music played in my head

Eggsy Kingsmen: still supporting since 2018

Cyrel Carbonel: I think this build path is good if the enemy team comp is full of tanks like top tank, jg tank and supp tank something like that bcoz its only focusing on healing its not effective in the enemy team comp like that. Just my opinion.

SimpleShebang: what is omnivamp

Olek Błaszczyk: Hi, thank you because thanks to you Akali is my favorite heroine, I love her skins, let alone something else, but I don't remember and still have a prestigious release. I would like to ask you to be in Polish through the subtitles in the film. Please because I would also like to learn something from your films but I don't understand what you are saying because I am Polish

yicko: I'd like to try this, but replace Demonic Embrace with Lich Bane

bobzkie bobz: Sir. Can you try playing akali in lol wildrift. New fan here

Abdul Halim: Yi is so annoying with that Q

daemeonp: Akali is literally 1v5 now. *chased by enemy team to top lane and dies *

Thomas: 9:50 'Akali can literally 1v5 with this item' 2 seconds later Akali does to 1v5 and does r kill anyone...

Ghosty: And people say Master Yi is balanced


Stefanie Black: I just caught myself trying to move my mouse around so I can see what's goin' on on the map. gg 😂

Thienphu Pham: wasn't this guy like gold?XD

Mizua Mitachi: they need to nerf pantheons shield not taking turret dmg, it makes bot lane unplayable when hes support cause they can send 3 ppl under turret with him tanking the most he can then shielding and ur all dead by the time that happens

Dennis Usison: I tried this build it changed my gameplay

Begdan: Since the three latest videos are all about "broken" builds.. Which is the most broken/best option for someone who is on the low elo end of things?

Shay Patrick Cormac: It would be great if twisted fate's first skill can now inflict the same damage and effects for each card in his second skill

Mathias Jacobsen: "essentially diamond 4" *looks up *** account is plat 2 and MMR of the game is plat 1... Bruh

GamesEpisode: Him:talking about the build Me: JUST SAY THE FUKING RUNEEE

Groundmast: nice throw

Nicolás Alejandro Ramos Masserano: Can you give me the runes pls??

mark mierop: I love how he’s calling plat 2 high Elo... that’s not high elo mate. Ur account was gold season 9 and averages out at plat 2-3. Stop fucking with us.

Insperity: Think instead of demonic embrace shouldve gone morr for yi

Vlad Rusuleanu: Loved that Hybrid Theory reference as well as the video. I can't believe it has been 20 years since that album had been released. Missing Chester so much

Fear: 1/3 akali builds riftmaker~~ goes 11/6 1v5

Mike:U: Why do you have a mana ring?

liancito io: Faker is akali , your akali is fake

Santy Bork: build??

Revassin: Samira + Master Yi. Yep thats gonna be hard match xD

Justin Priest: Gotta love Master Yi pressing Q and occasionally W and R and 1v9ing.

1k Lyrics: Professor: Akali can definitely 1V5. Riot watching his game: let’s nerf akali again.

Jared Merlin: Can you make a video akali wild rift guide and build?

andrew paul: lol. "alright guys i'm one step the edge and i' about to break."

Simo Kree: Hey, Professor. There is something wrong with your encoding, or game recording fps at parts of the video. On a big screen and 1080p60fps, it is really noticeable. Should check it.

Gustavo Henrique: Man, this bild mad eme win 100%, new meta all games no couter

Rival Shadow: 14:05 relatable

Kamil: how you use runes

Badrou Adjabi: Bro pls can u give me the akali skin pls my name is badrou2009

Jos Man: my friend is new to the game and really wants to improve his Akali

Jos Man: What are the runes????

S Y X: akali is still bad in teamfights , if the enemy team has CC or AOE dmg you are kinda screwd

Red Vel: Хм, не плохо

LightAssass1n: Linkin park referece 11:38. :)

Adam Kuruc: Ye your team always sucks huh, no shit when you take all the kills and then "are going to win" a 1v5

Arnesh Garg: can someone tell me all the items in this build

Parker: I was thinking about what items for akali should I build with healing then this is the answer thanks prof! Also thanks for viewing my Akali Wild Rift gameplay at Instagram. Akali main here!

berdan1383: Where the runes and build?

Lelo WG: 25:55 2028 true damage from master yi???

Favour Emmanuel: to be sincere i have never seen a better champion streamer in my 3 years of league even fakers content is nothing compared to urs and ur the one who made me to be able to one shot an anivia with literally 1 hp tx bro keep it up

revaluation mmos: Say litteraly again.

tommaso monterosso: Would this build fit toplane?

legions_kassuplays: If i were that tf i would fast flashed to tower and waited akali to strike and then stunned and ignite 👌😅(In first kill)

GIO GaMeR: do you want 1v1?

Fred Mago: Lost a lot of low elo games in this build it's quite sad

Juraj Dyttert: Am i the only one that thinks that he trolled this game? Like yes he carried but he also died when his team needed him. I guess how team did not int as much as he did. Just sayn

Sun rise: Informative video, but please stop being obnoxious about Akali. You have Akali in your name, Akali posters, every Akali skin, Akali everything. I wouldn't be surprised if you have a Akali bodypillow as well. So to sum it up, don't explicitly show you are an Akali fan, by shoving it everywhere on the screen like it's free real-estate. Be like Faker, he is known for his Zed, but only shows it in gameplay and not as a brand. Plus he doesn't feel the need to own everything Zed. Akali is for everyone, not just you. It's very annoying to see people monetize a champion by making it part of their brand and making it seem like you are the Akali spokesperson or something.

Wintertech Gaming: Why do u uys always change your name in game, cause I wanted to look up your profile to see stats and builds etc

Doom Goddess NA: bruh so i saw this with professor akali too but like everytime im usig my e to push me out of base, it ends of going sideways idk why its weeeeird

Crow: I think that unless you have played Akali yourself, people usually have no idea how little damage she does to jungle monsters.

Niju ichi: Hello Prof, hello viewers, I'm pretty new to the akali gang, but I play her mostly top as I'm a top main, would this build work for toplane?

Ivan Damjanovic: Did u ever play some other champion off camera?

nm sl: Is this a proper actual rank build or just for fun??

Wiellan Cabucos: Hey prof akali i have one question what is the best skin True Damage Akali or KDA Akali? Tnks for your answer

aRThur: 0:17

Nikos Kel: Could you please make an ultimate s11 akali guide? It'd be very helpful for all akali mains.

emirshun anonuevo: request: play akali on wild rift :>

to stupid for a Name: "I never upload losses" bruh

Magiclb: Nice build and plays like always, you are the best. I just upload new Akali Montage video, who wants, go to my channel and get a look, it means a lot to me.

DerecX0: old linkin park citation here xD

TheKatOfDream: It's broken build. I tried it and noone can kill me

Abdurrahman Mehmeti: can you make a full video of which build we should hold during this season?

xNekumi: How often did he find the best Akali build now?

dePresnokoff: I still really like fleet on akali, the lane sustain is so op into poke heavy matchups

MegaWizard99: First Game i get penta with this new gunblade

xiKASPRRzZ 505: Your team is pretty suck

Vander: can someone write down the full build?

Marcel 420: Have you ever smoking dope?

Dori RY: Riot: healing has been broken in season 10 Riot in season 11: introducing omnivamp

The Lost: Actually farming minions are harder to kill or maybe only me feeling that way

Feed Of The Wind: try to build new rocket belt on akali

Omar Khaled Essam: Man I can't litterally tell you how much do I wait until u download the guide video After I watched your season 10 akali guide which was almost 3 hours I mained akali and I became better since and I used it advice in the last video when u said to use triumph with conquer and it is much better really. Not to mention also the mechanics that I mastered cause of you really I appreciate your hard work. Keep it up 🙂❤️

arab Playing league: Played this build yesterday and same thing happened like what happened to you.. i think if you're not ahead it's a bad build the main electrocute build let you 1shot squishies and actually put out ton of damage. 1 jg gank + grievious wounds you're done with this build Awesome idea btw keep up the work!

SazzOwl _Gaming: just remember... you always do more dmg of you don't die ;-) if you live 3-5 seconds longer you deal 100% more dmg as if you build little more dmg and die earlier

Christian Liebhart: i personally like you uploading losses from time to time. I feel like theres a lot to learn from those games as well.

treharne jacques: Hey the new rune that used to give you cdr now gives you 20sec cooldown on skills(no utl) at level 11 wich means you can have 2 smokes in a row Nice title for video

mæ: how can you keep positive id be so tilted Zed new combo 🌝

Filthy Casual: Ive been doing riftmaker into lichbane and it works really well for me

Forgotten Wolf: Kev haven’t you notice that Akali is not broken at all and its just you destroying people with your skills?

Thobal: What runes did you use?

Saulo Moranzoni: Don't worry as you do we learn more from losses than victories as well! I personally want to know more about a lich bane build on Akali.

Febz z: Lol mobile

Arya Parvizi: the worst team possible. map awareness = 0. you make that ERROR 3 times (maybe more note sure) it'll cost you the game against yi specially who is good at picking splitted champs

Widows xp User: What skin is he using? I don't know.

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